Greg Bilyeu is a Water Rights Specialist, a principal owner, and the Executive Vice President of Water Resources at TEC Civil Engineering Consultants.
Greg Bilyeu is the head of the Water Rights and Water Resources Department. He is extensively involved in all aspects of water rights including research, acquisition, mapping and filing applications for projects requiring water rights. Prior to joining TEC, he was involved in two major water importation projects in the State of Nevada: The Eco Vision Project in Northern Nevada and the Las Vegas Valley Water District’s Importation Plan in Eastern and Central Nevada. Since his employment with TEC Greg has been extensively involved in numerous water right projects and issues throughout Nevada.
Some of the more significant ones include the Department of Energy, Yucca Mountain Project water appropriation hearing and groundwater model development, Bright- Holland Corporation water rights historical analysis and filings, US Fish & Wildlife analysis of Segment 7 of the Carson River and also technical support in conjunction with several hearings held on the USFW’s surface water transfers to Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, South Meadows Properties water availability analysis of Thomas, White’s & Steamboat Creek in support of applications by South Meadows property for return flows on three stream systems within the South Truckee Meadows, the Estate of John Casey Dodge Ranch water rights dispute over water rights in Madeline Plains in Lassen County, Nevada, Reynen & Bardis, Rolling A Ranch water rights development and dedication, City of Yerington and Town of Mason water system consolidation and lead consultant for the water right issues for Michael B. Stewart/High Rock Holding, LLC properties in northern Washoe County.